Industrial wastewaters are usually considered a costly waste due to the fact that they need to be treated before drain or reuse, if you do not want to pay for their disposal. But if the pollutant substances are correctly removed, wastewater can be turned into a resource, for your company and for the environment as well.
As a matter of fact, industrial wastewater treatment aimed at water reuse is an effective way to save money while saving and replenishing resources, complying at the same time with local industrial regulations and standards.
EVALED, that has installed worldwide thousands of wastewater treatment plants in over 40 years’ experience, is one of the industrial wastewater treatment companies that provide wastewater evaporation systems specifically designed to meet challenging wastewater treatment requirements.
EVALED innovative wastewater treatment technologies for the treatment of industrial water and wastewater
Thanks to the industrial wastewater treatment systems designed by EVALED, now industrial water and wastewater treatment is not only considered a mandatory engagement for companies, but can also become a way to achieve economical, strategic and reputational benefits.
Discover how many:
- A wastewater evaporation system can significantly reduce volumes of wastewater to dispose of, and related costs.
- The high-quality distillate coming from our industrial water treatment processes can be discharged into the sewer or reused.
- Water is one of the most precious resource we have and must be preserved: our wastewater treatment plant enables water reuse within the production process (if possible) or for other factory purposes.
- The treatment of industrial effluents ensures the reduction of the amount of polluting waste released into the environment.
- Our wastewater treatment is compliant with the most stringent regional environmental regulations and it can thus enable a positive perception of your company by the local community.
- Our wastewater treatment and the Zero Liquid Discharge respond at least to 5 of 17 goals included in the 2030 Agenda stated by the UN General Assembly.
Wastewater treatment equipment for different applications
EVALED is a wastewater treatment manufacturer with a unique full portfolio of wastewater treatment equipment suitable to treat the widest range of effluents coming from various types of industries.
Health care
Within the healthcare industry, water is commonly used in liquid, as an ingredient for many formulations and also as a cleaning agent. Thanks to one of our wastewater treatment plants the wastewater resulting from these processes can offer opportunities for matter recovery and water reuse.
Water is one of the most important solvent or component in the chemicals production industry. From the treatment of water as a solvent for formulas, to the treatment of water used for mixers and reactors washing operations, an EVALED’s plant can successfully manage wastewater treatment in the chemical industry, treating the whole water cycle from inlet to final discharge.
Surface Treatments
The surface treatment industry produces large quantities of water containing extremely dangerous and polluting elements such as heavy metals, organic substances, cyanides and other suspended solids. EVALED wastewater treatment equipment can successfully treat all wastewaters originated from surface treatments.
Mechanical Treatments
Water requirement for this sector involves the whole manufacturing cycle, but the most important problem concerns wastewater management. Optimizing the sludge management in water treatment and in the whole water cycle (i.e. removal of heavy metals, zinc, and oil and grease) can be a solution to reduce costs and to protect the environment.
Biogas and Biofuels
Combining industrial performance and sustainable development while remaining competitive requires that the biofuels and biogas industries ensure safe industrial process and are able to reduce operational costs: EVALED’s wastewater treatment products are a solution that provides significant savings and comply with environmental regulations, which ultimately could lead to the public’s acceptance of a site.
Food and beverage
The food & beverage industry uses water for the rinsing of containers and plants, the washing of raw materials, and for boiler feeding. We are manufacturers of wastewater treatment equipment that can be specifically employed in food and beverage industries, like for winery and dairy wastewater treatment, enabling the reuse of all the effluents coming from the production processes and allowing water saving and matter recovery (when needed).
The leachate produced by the waste in landfills is an extremely pollutant effluent that requires high effective treatment processes to comply with the very strict limits for discharging operations. EVALED wastewater evaporation systems are a technological solution which allows the exploitation of the biogas cogeneration for the full or partial power supply of the plant, within the limits of the environmental regulations, and to reduce the relevant costs for thermal energy and leachate disposal.
Photovoltaic and Microelectronics
The manufacturing process of the cells that make up the photovoltaic systems and the printed circuits requires huge volumes of high-quality water. We can produce wastewater treatment equipment that manages this water wisely, so as not to affect the productivity and the expenses of the plant.
Oil and Gas
The oil & gas industry faces water and wastewater treatment specific challenges. EVALED wastewater evaporation systems represent an effective solution for both downstream (onshore and offshore) and upstream plants, allowing ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge).
EVALED’s evaporators treat or minimize wastewater from the Power Generation Industry. Flue gas desulfurization effluents require different kinds of treatments depending on the type of fuel, water sources and environmental regulations.
Mining and Primary Metals
Water is an essential component in the mining and steel industries. The main needs under this aspect are optimizing the management of the resources, improving productivity by treating available water for specific production process requirements and managing environmental risks. With an EVALED wastewater treatment plant you can treat contaminated ponds and remove heavy metals from wastewater in underground mine water, also removing arsenic and other contaminants for a safe discharge into a sensitive environment.
Any industry using water in its production cycle needs an effective water and wastewater treatment. All different industries have several challenges to face; they all need to find efficient and effective solutions to optimize the available resources for an ever-higher competitiveness and, contextually, they have to comply with the most stringent regulations about the protection of the environment: EVALED wastewater evaporation systems address all this specific industries’ needs.