
Wastewater treatment allowing for water reuse, valuable matter recovery and sustainability improvement.

Water is one of the most important solvent or component used in the chemical industry. From the water used in formulas, to the water used for mixers and reactor washing operations, for a proper management of the whole water cycle, from inlet to final discharge, an effective wastewater treatment in the chemical industry is a primary importance issue to face.


Wastewater treatment in chemical industry: how we treat chemical waste in water

The chemical industry has a significant impact on the environment since its effluents often contain high concentrations of organic and inorganic compounds. Many substances used in the chemical industry are toxic, carcinogenic or almost non-biodegradable as, for instance, surfactant and petroleum hydrocarbons; for this reason, chemical industry wastewater treatment is essential, now more than ever.

Main activities of this strategic industry can be summarized as:

  • synthesis and manufacturing of chemicals
  • production of detergents and other products for cleaning
  • production of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides
  • production of explosives
  • production of additives, colorants, resins and polymers for a wide range of industries
  • production of DEMI water for various purposes
  • laboratory and analysis tests and trials.

In all these applications, a proper chemical industry wastewater treatment must aim at:

  • COD (chemical oxygen demand) reduction
  • ammonium reduction
  • sulfates reduction
  • chlorides reduction

Chemical industry wastewater treatment by evaporation

EVALED wastewater evaporation systems, given that they can be adapted, in a simple and effective way, to different treatment needs from time to time, are an extremely reliable and flexible technological solution, as they allow the treatment of a large variety of wastewaters. When possible, they also allow for the recovery of valuable by-products or substances which often can be reused or sold as raw matter.
Evaporation ensures to achieve different goals:

  • high quality of distillate
  • water recovery and water reuse
  • ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) when possible
  • significant reduction of volume of the waste to be disposed of
  • compliance with discharge limits

In the chemical industry wastewater treatment, most of the EVALED references worldwide are installations of:

Heat pump and forced circulation evaporators
Scraped evaporators with heat pump and forced circulation
Evaporators with mechanical vapour recompression and forced circulation

Application & products


ApplicationEvaledADDED VALUE
Pesticides wastewaterRV, PCWater recovery, disposal cost reduction
Fertilizers wastewaterRV, ACProduct & water recovery, disposal cost reduction
Explosives (Nitroglycerin) wastewaterRV, PCProduct & water recovery, disposal cost reduction
Detergents (basic) wastewaterRV, ACDisposal cost & sludge reduction
Glues wastewaterPCProduct recovery, disposal cost reduction
Process & wastewater treat. ChemicalsRV, PCWater recovery, disposal cost & sludge reduction
Water based inks & paintsPCProduct recovery, disposal cost reduction
Floor washing waterRV, PCWater recovery, sludge reduction
Caustic & acid bathsPCDisposal cost reduction
Exhausted chemicalsRV, PCProduct recovery, disposal cost reduction
Cooling towers blow-downRV, ACZLD, water recovery
Gas scrubber blow-downRV, ACWater recovery, disposal cost reduction
RO concentrate dischargeRV, ACZLD, water recovery, sludge reduction
IE regenerationRV, ACZLD, water recovery, sludge reduction
New or revamping WWT plantsRV, ACWater reuse, disposal & oper. costs reduction


Chemicals for PW &WW
Detergents (Basic Chemicals)
Water Base Inks & Paints
Chemical Plants Engineering Companies

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