Mining and Primary Metals

Steel, Copper, Aluminum, Lithium. Wastewater treatment to remove highly polluting elements and reuse water.

Water is essential component in the mining and steel industries. The main needs under this aspect are optimizing the management of the resources, improving productivity by treating available water for specific production process requirements and managing environmental risks by treating contaminated pond and underground mine water to remove heavy metals, arsenic and other contaminants for safe discharge into sensitive environment.

EVALED® evaporators are a technological solution for:

  • ZLD projects
  • Industrial wastewater treatment
  • Compliance with environmental regulations


Application & products


Application Evaled ADDED VALUE
Wastewater from ore processing (enrichment of Cu, Fe, Cr, Au, Ur, Mg) RV, AC Water recovery
Lagoons /ponds wastewater reduction RV, AC Water reuse, lagoon cost reduction, mobile units
RO concentrates RV, AC ZLD, water recovery, disposal cost reduction
IE regeneration RV, AC ZLD, water recovery, disposal cost reduction
New or revamping wastewater treat. plants RV, AC Water reuse, disposal & oper. costs reduction


Application Evaled ADDED VALUE
Direct cooling oily wastewater RV, AC Water & product recovery, disposal cost reduction
Oil emulsions RV, AC Water & product recovery, disposal cost reduction
Cooling tower blow-down RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
RO concentrates RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
IE regeneration RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
New or revamping wastewater treat. plants RV, AC Water reuse, disposal & oper. costs reduction


Application Evaled ADDED VALUE
Direct cooling oily wastewater RV, AC Water & product recovery, disposal cost reduction
Oil emulsions RV, AC, PC Water & product recovery, disposal cost reduction
Cooling tower blow-down RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
RO concentrates RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
IE regeneration RV, AC ZLD, water recovery
New or revamping WWT plants RV, AC Water reuse, disposal & oper. costs reduction


Mining engineering companies
Steel plants
Rolling mill plants
Rolls tin plating companies

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Our Products
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